Be Part of What God is Doing In Our Midst

Ministries within Kingdom Arena

Woman of wisdom

Woman of Wisdom ministry of Kingdom Arena aims at facilitating practical wisdom in women’s varied responsibilities in nation-building. While a man on becoming a husband is a shaper the woman on becoming a mother is the nurturer and builder of the family. Since the family is the unit of the nation, it behooves the woman’s precious and ultimate delight to build the children for tomorrow (Prov.14:1). Woman of Wisdom’s empowering session holds bi-monthly with practical engagement and discussion on relevant issues to a woman’s holistic development and the annual Conference, Woman of Wisdom Conference holds during the last weekend of August.

leadership in you

Leadership In You ministry of Kingdom Arena is a flagship ministry wherein the focus entails challenging, encouraging and inspiring the emerging and established leaders in improving their effectiveness. The ministry organizes a yearly Conference called Leadership In You around the middle of the year with guest speakers who have a proven ministry of excellence and integrity. The yearly focus usually revolves around developing skills that encourage efficiency and effective service in the Church world and the secular endeavours. Presently, the ministry’s latest initiative, Awaken The Leadership In You, airs on YouTube and Facebook weekly by engaging audiences in business book summaries that encourage the development of leadership skills.

hope arise

Reaching out to the needy in our community; Hope Arise is our community outreach initiative working with people who are at the fringes of the society and mainly foreigners, disillusioned by the disappointment or failure to find greener pastures. They are served warm food and change of clothes. Some of them who are sober are helped to look for jobs or tasks that can earn them money for their keeps. The aim is to return their dignity back to them and instill hope in them.

abba bible & leadership institute

Abba Bible and Leadership Institute is a unique school of personal training in that it combines the streams of spiritual development and leadership training together in order to foster an integrative emergence of a competent leader armed with spiritual and functional competencies and therefore able to perform across the saddle of spiritual and secular divide. Most Bible Schools focus on Bible training alone but Abba Bible and Leadership Institute recognizes that spiritual competencies serve as the backbone for all other human developments hence its additional focus on leadership development because ‘everything rises and falls on leadership’, be it at home, the church, the workplace and the nation at large. Having the right framework of understanding of the collapse of the spiritual and the secular is critical to performing optimally as an individual whole.


AMEC’s ministry undertakes a bi-annual event called Marriage Enrichment Weekend whose focus centres on building marriages in our immediate community with a positive reverberating effect in the nation at large. A successful marriage takes skills that knowledge, understanding and wisdom foster (Prov.24:3-5). Hence, the need to teach young and long time marriages that ‘even if your marriage was made in heaven, it takes knowledge, understanding and wisdom and in that sequence to make it work on earth’. By this, the building block of our society and nation, marriage, becomes strengthened against the onslaught of the enemy that seeks to disparage marriage.